
Garnet Chu

Digitail Artist, Portrait Artist

IKEA, Iprimo,HuaWei,Sony Mobile, Swire, Haeco,Laneige 領展,鉅記餅家, K1664, Wacom,  Sloggi, Alibaba, Club Marriott

更多資訊請瀏覽以下網址: www.garnetchu.com
for more information please vist: www.garnetchu.com

個人展覽- 偶然遇上的溫度



作品收錄於Wacom 的「香港數碼藝術作品鑑賞」中
Wacom World 2012 - 公開組冠軍

Its in some artist's nature, that their creative attitude provides an open-mind. In Garnet's perspective, "There is not a sin for trying anything artisticly." And creative practices become like any other daily habbits, wheather is looking at new types of artwork, or studying different kinds of styles or techniques. There really is no right or wrong in art world.
Garnet's love of art gives him many oppotunities in working with other people, as well as being a member of the Hong Kong Society of Illustrator. His passion in his artistic career take him to many project working with business companies, charity program, even prizes in different competitions. In areas like designing, branding, even advertising, as hoping to achieve his own accomplishments in the future.

Garnet是一位熱愛美術及設計的一個香港人,對琳瑯滿目的美學都需要持有興趣,創作這種態度便不會存有對錯之分。不論是各式各樣的新鮮事物,還是研究不同風格和技巧。Garnet都有著座右銘 “只要不是犯法,什麼都可以試”,更希望有一種實驗性美學者的操守。



If you need to contact me, I'm available at garnetchu@gmail.com