“Decaying City” series is an ongoing project, concept arts inspired by a game called Gravity Rush. This fantasy series depicts the future of Hong Kong. In this city, there are lots of levels and classes in the society, and the building styles are a bit chaotic, with mixing cultures and traditions of Hong Kong, Japanese and Western architectures, stacking one on top of another. Despite all the environmental and social problems, people have hope, they choose to carry on and live in this city.
Digital painting in Photoshop.
“Decaying City” series is an ongoing project, concept arts inspired by a game called Gravity Rush. This fantasy series depicts the future of Hong Kong. In this city, there are lots of levels and classes in the society, and the building styles are a bit chaotic, with mixing cultures and traditions of Hong Kong, Japanese and Western architectures, stacking one on top of another. Despite all the environmental and social problems, people have hope, they choose to carry on and live in this city.
Digital painting in Photoshop.
“Decaying City” series is an ongoing project, concept arts inspired by a game called Gravity Rush. This fantasy series depicts the future of Hong Kong. In this city, there are lots of levels and classes in the society, and the building styles are a bit chaotic, with mixing cultures and traditions of Hong Kong, Japanese and Western architectures, stacking one on top of another. Despite all the environmental and social problems, people have hope, they choose to carry on and live in this city.
“Decaying City” series is an ongoing project, concept arts inspired by a game called Gravity Rush. This fantasy series depicts the future of Hong Kong. In this city, there are lots of levels and classes in the society, and the building styles are a bit chaotic, with mixing cultures and traditions of Hong Kong, Japanese and Western architectures, stacking one on top of another. Despite all the environmental and social problems, people have hope, they choose to carry on and live in this city.
Digital painting in Photoshop.
“Decaying City” series is an ongoing project, concept arts inspired by a game called Gravity Rush. This fantasy series depicts the future of Hong Kong. In this city, there are lots of levels and classes in the society, and the building styles are a bit chaotic, with mixing cultures and traditions of Hong Kong, Japanese and Western architectures, stacking one on top of another. Despite all the environmental and social problems, people have hope, they choose to carry on and live in this city.
Digital painting in Photoshop.
“Decaying City” series is an ongoing project, concept arts inspired by a game called Gravity Rush. This fantasy series depicts the future of Hong Kong. In this city, there are lots of levels and classes in the society, and the building styles are a bit chaotic, with mixing cultures and traditions of Hong Kong, Japanese and Western architectures, stacking one on top of another. Despite all the environmental and social problems, people have hope, they choose to carry on and live in this city.
Digital painting in Photoshop.
“Decaying City” series is an ongoing project, concept arts inspired by a game called Gravity Rush. This fantasy series depicts the future of Hong Kong. In this city, there are lots of levels and classes in the society, and the building styles are a bit chaotic, with mixing cultures and traditions of Hong Kong, Japanese and Western architectures, stacking one on top of another. Despite all the environmental and social problems, people have hope, they choose to carry on and live in this city.
Digital painting in Photoshop.
“Decaying City” series is an ongoing project, concept arts inspired by a game called Gravity Rush. This fantasy series depicts the future of Hong Kong. In this city, there are lots of levels and classes in the society, and the building styles are a bit chaotic, with mixing cultures and traditions of Hong Kong, Japanese and Western architectures, stacking one on top of another. Despite all the environmental and social problems, people have hope, they choose to carry on and live in this city.
“Decaying City” series is an ongoing project, concept arts inspired by a game called Gravity Rush. This fantasy series depicts the future of Hong Kong. In this city, there are lots of levels and classes in the society, and the building styles are a bit chaotic, with mixing cultures and traditions of Hong Kong, Japanese and Western architectures, stacking one on top of another. Despite all the environmental and social problems, people have hope, they choose to carry on and live in this city.
Digital painting in Photoshop.
An illustration for the commissioned project with StoryTeller (everyone.is.storyteller) for the article "都市妖怪圖鑑:【盧亭⼈人⿂魚的末裔】", which talks about the frightening/bizarre creatures from urban legends. The article is about a creature that appeared in the past, in Hong Kong, it's - the Lutings, half-human, half-fish creatures. Rumors say they were ancestors of many ethnic groups......
Illustration | Concept Art | Animation
ENG | 廣東話 | 國語
Hi there, I am an illustrator and concept artist born and raised in Hong Kong. Specialized in digital painting and setting atmospheric environment scenes for stories, I have worked with numerous brands and clients worldwide such as Petite Giant Studio, Studio Biped, Ztoryteller, Pocari Sweat, HKAF NoLimits, CCG, EGG, Sony Music, and TatlerHK; with projects including cover illustrations for magazines, storyboards, concepts, and background arts for animation, music videos, and movies. Some works of mine were also exhibited in NEXT GEN and Affordable Art Fair.
The main tool for creating my painterly artwork is digital media, with software like Procreate, Clip Studio, and Adobe Suite.
Thank you for stopping by. Feel free to message me for collaboration or just a chat!